Page 59 - RoboCilindri, Controller, robocilindri, sinta,
P. 59
Encoder Cable / Encoder Robot Cable for RCAModel CB-ACS-PA□□□/CB-ACS-PA□□□-RB *Thestandardcablefortheencodercableisthenormalcable. A robot cable can be specified as an option.*Enterthecablelength(L)into□□□.Compatibletoamaximumof20meters. Ex.: 080 = 8 mType MiniStandardControllers IntegratedRod TypeMiniStandardControllers IntegratedTable/Arm /FlatTypeMiniStandardGripper/ Rotary TypeLinear Motor TypeCleanroom TypeSplash-ProofControllersPMEC /AMECPSEP /ASEPROBO NETERC2 PCON ACON SCON PSEL ASEL SSEL XSELPulse MotorServo Motor (24V)Servo Motor (230V)Linear MotorMin. bend radius r = 50 mm or larger (when movable type is used) * Only robot cable is to be used in a cable track.L2021−CN1Cable color18 17Ground Pink Purple White Blue/red Orange/White Green/White Orange Brown GreenGround Orange Green Purple Gray Red Black White/Gray Blue YellowController sideMotor-Encoder Integrated Cable for RCA2/RCLModel CB-ACS-MPA□□□ L* The standard cable for the motor-encoder cable is a robot cable.* Enter the cable length (L) into □□□ . Compatible to a maximum of 20 meters. Ex.: 080 = 8 m(8) (5)(Frontview) (8) Controller side(18)V 2 W 3BK+ 16 BK− 15 LS+ 18 LS− 17 A+ 14 A− 13 B+ 12 B− 11 Z+ 10 Z− 98 /PS 7 VCC 6 GND 5NCFG 1Yellow BlackYellow (Red ) Yellow (Blue )Pink (Red )Pink (Blue )White (Red )White (Blue ) Orange (Red ) Orange (Blue )Gray (Red )Gray (Blue ) Orange (Red Consecutive) Orange (Blue Consecutive) Gray (Red Consecutive) Gray (Blue Consecutive)Shield(12)9 18 Mechanical sideGroundHousing ContactGround F.GXMP-18V (JST) BXA-001T-P0.6 (JST) XMS-09V (JST)(23) Mechanical side20A 20B1A 1B Half-pitch MIL socket:HIF6-40D-1. 27R (Hirose)122Housing: 51353-1200 (MOLEX) Contact: 56134-9000 (MOLEX)Single wire (UL1007 AWG24 Green)110Roundterminal: 0.5-5 (JST)Housing: 51353-1400 (MOLEX)Contact: 56134-9000 (MOLEX)C N 2Cable colorRobot Cable Standard CableWhite/Purple Blue White/Gray Orange LS−Yellow Green BK+ Blue Brown BK− White/Blue Gray ENA White/Yellow Red ENA White/Red Black ENB White/Black Yellow ENB Orange Pink ENZ 1 10 Green Purple ENZPurple WhiteGray Blue/red VPS Red Orange/White 5V Black Green/White GND− −Pin Signal No.1 ENA 2 ENA 3 ENB 4 ENB 5 − 6 − 7 LS+ 8 − 9 FG 10 ENZ 11 ENZ 12 − 13 VPS 14 5V 15 GND 16 LS− 17 BK− 18 BK+Plug housing : Socket contact : Retainer :Standard Cable Gray Red Black YellowRobot Cable White/Blue White/Yellow White/Red White/BlackPin No. 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1: PHDR-18VR (JST): SPHD-001T-P0.5 (JST)SignalLS+Signal Pin No. (Wire color)Pin No. SignalA1 U B1 V A2 W B2 NC A3 NC B3 NC A4 BK+ B4 BK− A5 LS+ B5 LS− A6 A+ B6 A− A7 B+ B7 B− A8 Z+ B8 Z− A9 − B9 /PS A10 VCC B10 GND A11 NC B11 FGU1 RedACON ControllerSlider−−−−Blue White/Purple−−(ø9)(ø10)(18)(10)(30)(ø12)No connectorNo connectorBANo.1A 24V 2A 24V 3A4A5A IN0 6A IN1 7A IN2 8A IN3 9A IN4Color Brown-1 Red-1 Orange-1 Yellow-1 Green-1 Blue-1 Purple-1 Gray-1 White-1 Black-1 Brown-2 Red-2 Orange-2Min. bend radius r = 84 mm or larger (when movable type is used)I/O Flat Cable (for ACON-C/CG)Model CB-PAC-PIO□□□ L* Enter the cable length (L) into □□□ . Compatible to a maximum of 10 meters.Flat cable (20-core) × 210A IN511A IN612A IN713A IN814A IN9 Yellow-2 15A IN10 Green-2 16A IN11 Blue-2 17A IN12 Purple-2 18A IN13 Gray-2 19A IN14 White-2 20A IN15 Black-2I/O Cable for Solenoid Valve Type (for ACON-CY)Model CB-PACY-PIO□□□ LNo connectorPulse Train Control I/O Cable (for ACON-PL/PO)Model CB-PACPU-PIO□□□ LNo connector* Enter the cable length (L) into □□□ . Compatible to a maximum of 10 meters. Ex.: 080 = 8 m(Frontview) Ex.: 080 = 8 m HIF6-40D-1. 27RPin Signal CableWireFlat cable A (crimped)Pin Signal Cable No. Color 1B OUT0 Brown-3 2B OUT1 Red-3 3B OUT2 Orange-3 4B OUT3 Yellow-3 5B OUT4 Green-3 6B OUT5 Blue-3 7B OUT6 Purple-3 8B OUT7 Gray-3 9B OUT8 White-3 10B OUT9 Black-3 11B OUT10 Brown-4 12B OUT11 Red-4 13B OUT12 Orange-4 14B OUT13 Yellow-4 15B OUT14 Green-4 16B OUT15 Blue-4 17B Purple-4 18B Gray-4 19B 0V White-4 20B 0V Black-4WireFlat cable B (crimped)AWG28Pin No. 1 2 3 411 5 678 1 9 1011 12Signal Cable24VWireFlat cable (crimped) AWG2851353-1200 (MOLEX)* Enter the cable length (L) into □□□ . Compatible to a maximum of 10 meters. Ex.: 080 = 8 mSide withno connector White/GreenBlack White/Black Red White/Red GreenNo.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Signal Cable Name Color IO_24V BlackIO_24G White/Black IN0 Red IN1 White/Red IN2 Green IN3 White/GreenOUT0 Yellow OUT1 White/Yellow OUT2 BrownWire0.2sqYellow White/Yellow Brown White/Brown Blue White/Blue Gray White/Gray10 OUT3 White/Brown 11 PP Blue12 PG White/Blue 13 NP Gray14 NG White/Gray 0.5-5 (JST)Color Brown-1 Red-10VIN0 Orange-1 IN1 Yellow-1 IN2 Green-1 IN3 Blue-1OUT0 Purple-1 OUT1 Gray-1 OUT2 White-1 OUT3 Black-1 OUT4 Brown-2 OUT5 Red-251353-1400 (MOLEX)1 FG White/Gray AWG24ACON 544