Page 82 - RoboCilindri, Controller, robocilindri, sinta,
P. 82
Slider TypeProgram controllerFor RCA2/RCA/RCL seriesTable/Arm /Flat TypeRod TypeList of modelsTypeCNameProgram modePositioner ModeExternal viewDescriptionBoth the actuator operation and communication with external equipment can be handled by a single controller.When two axes are connected, arc interpolation, path operations, and synchronization can be performed.Up to 1500 positioning points are supported. Push-motion operation and teaching operation are also possible.Position points1500 pointsNumber of control axesUp to 2 axesGripper/ Rotary TypeLinear Motor TypeCleanroom TypeSplash-ProofControllersModel* 2nd axis specs not applicable to the single-axis model.ASELC 0SeriesType Number of Axes(Specs for 1st axis)(Specs for 2nd axis) Motor Encoder Option* When connecting anRCA-RA3 /RGS3 /RGD3 and RCA2-SA4 /TA5 , the motor type is 20S.I/O TypeI/O Cable LengthPower/ VoltageMotorEncoderOptionCStandard Type0DC24VIIncrementalAAbsolute1Single-axis model22-axis modelIIncremental0No cable22m (standard)33m55mAAbsolute22W motor55W motor1010W motor20S20W motor (*)2020W motor3030W motor22W motor55W motor1010W motor20S20W motor (*)2020W motor3030W motorNPPIO NPNPNPIO PNP (standard)DVDeviceNetCCCC-LinkPRProfiBus* When connecting anRCA-RA3 /RGS3 /RGD3 and RCA2-SA4 /TA5 , the motor type is 20S.BBrakeHHome sensor compatibleHAHigh Accel./Decel.LAPower-savingBBrakeHHome sensor compatibleHAHigh Accel./Decel.LAPower-savingPulse MotorServo Motor (24V)Servo Motor (230V)Linear MotorASEL Controller MiniStandardControllers IntegratedMiniStandardControllers IntegratedMini StandardProgram controller for operating RCA2/RCA/RCL series actuators. One unit can handle various controls.PMEC /AMECPSEP /ASEPROBO NETERC2 PCON ACON SCON PSEL ASEL SSEL XSEL567 ASEL