Page 63 - RoboCilindri, RCP2-RCP3, robocilindri, sinta,
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How to calculate positioning timeATrapezoidal PatternBTriangular PatternSpeed mm/secSpeed mm/secPositioning Settling TimeTime (sec)Positioning Settling TimeTime (sec)Acceleration Constant Speed DecelerationAcceleration DecelerationPositioning TimePositioning TimeConfirming the Movement PatternMethod of Calculating the Positioning TimeATrapezoidal PatternAccel. Time =Distance Accelerated =Accel. (mm/sec2 ) × (Accel. Time (sec))2 2Speed* (mm/sec) Accel. (mm/sec2 )BTriangular PatternPositioning time (sec)100200300400500600700800900100017502000100. Mov3003.031.571.10.890.770.70.670.650.640.640.640.64ed (m3503.531.821.271.010.870.790.740.710.70.690.690.69m)Speed (mm/sec)4004.032.071.441.140.970.870.810.770.750.740.740.744504.532.321. acceleration is calculated by the following: Acceleration setting in the controller (G)×9800mm/sec2. If the acceleration setting in the controller is 0.3G, then 0.3×9800mm/sec2 = 2940mm/sec2.The positioning settling time is the time required to determine the completion of movement to the target position, typically around 0.15sec for ball screw types and 0.2sec for belt types.Acceleration timeTechnical ReferenceTechnical InformationThe actuator positioning time can be found from an equation.Depending on the distance to be moved and the amount of acceleration/deceleration to be applied, the positioning operation can follow one of two patterns, shown below:Whether a movement pattern is trapezoidal or triangular can be determined by whether the peak speed reached after accelerating over a distance at a specified rate is greater than or less than the specified speed.First confirm the movement pattern as trapezoidal or triangular, then calculate the positioning time using the respective equation.If Vmax > V: Trapezoidal patternIf Vmax < V: Triangular pattern, where Vmax is the peakPeak speed (Vmax)Positioning Time (T)SSmm×9800mm/sec 2×Acceleration setting (G)Distance (mm) + Speed (mm/sec) + Positioning Settling Time Speed (mm/sec) Accel. (mm/sec2 )Positioning Time = 2Accel. Setting0.3GDistance (mm) Accel. (mm/sec2 )+ Positioning Settling Time* Here, "Speed" refers to the specified speed in the trapezoid pattern, and the peak speed in the triangle pattern.Speed mm/sec 20000.3G0.2G140014.03 7.07 4.77 3.64 2.97 2.54 2.24 2.02 1.86 1.74 1.65 1.48Triangular Pattern1800 1600 1400 1200 1000800 600 400 20000.1sec 0.2sec 0.3sec0.4sec 0.5sec0.6secNote: Does not include the positioning settling time (0.15sec for ball screw, and 0.2sec for belt).Appendix: - 7 Technical Reference/InformationNote

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