Page 93 - RoboCilindri, RCP2-RCP3, robocilindri, sinta,
P. 93

Explanation of OptionsTable adapterModels TARTBS/RTBSL/RTCS/RTCSL(7) 1 6±0.1Applicable modelsDescriptionAll RCP2 rotary type modelsAn adapter for installing a jig, etc., onto the rotating part of a rotary type.45° 30°20°30°5143.5 7642 68 3668.5 45 722.5 6736+0.021 Ø20H7( 0 )366161.5 53.58190 82+0.021 Ø24H7( 0 )76 66 64114 54115 105 10376 54+0.025 Ø40H7( 0 )5695+0.0550 depth515±0.025225774246714238+0.0550 depth5Ø44+0.021 Ø24H7( 0 )Ø12Ø64 Ø40H7(+00.025 )Ø22Ø35+0.021 Ø20H7( 0 )Ø88.5±0.027.5 ±0.0222.50°72°60°45°60°Ø34Ø13Ø52Ø30Ø30Ø17C0.5C0.5C0.5C0.5Ø30Ø34Ø3445°4—M3 depth 726 22 21.8 72Ø36 h7 Ø353730 26.554 43 38.5 124Ø65 h7 Ø640.5+0.010 Ø3H7( 0 )6−M34−Ø3.6Ø6.2 deep counterbore, depth 3.3(7.5) 16.5 ±0.1 1.5Ø3H7 (5−Ø3.4Ø6 deepcounterbore, depth 3.3(5 evenly spaced) 8−M4 throughRTBB/RTBBL/RTCB/RTCBL(9) 18Combined w/ RCP2-RTBS/RTBSLConfiguration: RCP2-TA-RTS (Weight: 0.02kg)Combined w/ RCP2-RTB/RTBLCombined w/ RCP2-RTBB/RTBBLConfiguration: RCP2-TA-RTB (Weight: 0.06kg)Combined w/ RCP2-RTCS/RTCSLConfiguration: RCP2-TA-RTS (Weight: 0.02kg)Combined w/ RCP2-RTC/RTCLCombined w/ RCP2-RTCB/RTCBLConfiguration: RCP2-TA-RTB (Weight: 0.06kg)Ø52Ø30Ø524—M3 depth 72622 21.872Ø36 H7 Ø353037 26.5884—M5 depth 8.654 43 38.5 124Ø65 h7 Ø645.5+0.0540 depth46—M3 depth 78—M4 depth 7.54—M4 depth 76+0.0540 depth38—M5 depth 97Ø40 H7 depth 1.5+0.0540 depth46—M3 depth 78—M4 depth 7.54—M4 depth 7688Ø45 h7 Ø44+0.05 4 0depth34—M5 depth 8.68—M5 depth 97Ø40 H7 depth 1.5Ø20 H7 depth 0.5Ø24 H7 depth 1.5Ø20 H7 depth 0.5Appendix: - 37 Technical Reference/InformationRTB/RTBL/RTC/RTCLConfiguration: RCP2-TA-RT (Weight: 0.03kg)Configuration: RCP2-TA-RT (Weight: 0.03kg)+0.010 0) through8−M56−Ø4.5Ø7.5 deep counterbore depth 4.5Ø4H7(+00.012 )Ø45 h7 Ø44Ø24 H7 depth 1.51.5

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