Page 62 - RoboCilindri, Controller, robocilindri, sinta,
P. 62
Slider Type■ Models C / CAPosition Controllers For RCS2 seriesC CARod TypeTable/Arm /FlatTypeList of modelsTypeC / CACAI/O typeStandard specificationsNetwork connection specifications (optional)External ViewDescriptionPositioning mode, Teaching mode Solenoid valve mode, Force mode (*1)Pulse train mode (*2)DeviceNetCC-LinkProfiBusProfiNetMechatroLinkCompoNetEtherCATEthernet/IPSercos III (3*)Position pointsMax. 512 points(−)Max. 512 pointsI/O type symbolNP/PNDVCCPRPNMLCNECEPSCCompatible encoderIncremental / AbsoluteIncrementalIncremental / AbsoluteGripper/ Rotary TypeLinear Motor TypeCleanroom TypeSplash-ProofControllersModelSCONSeries TypeMotorEncoderOptionI/O TypeI/O Cable Length Power/VoltageCStandard TypeCAHigh-function TypeHAHigh Accel./Decel.1Single-phase AC115V2Single-phase AC230VIIncrementalAAbsolute1212W motor2020W motor30D30W motor (for RCS2)30R30W motor (for RS)6060W motor100100W motor150150W motor200200W motor300300W motor400400W motor600600W motor750750W motor750S750W motor(for RCS2-RA13R-LC)NPPIO NPNPNPIO PNP (standard)DVDeviceNetCCCC-LinkPRProfiBusPNProfiNetMLMechatroLinkCNCompoNetECEtherCATEPEthernet/IPSCSercos III (*)0No cable (*)22m (standard)33m55m* Planned industrial ethernet interface* If DV, CC, PR, PN, ML, CN, EC, SC or EP is selected for the I/O type, specify"0" (no cable) for the I/O cable.The network models PN, ML, CN, EC, SC, and EP support CA type only.PSASSSXSPulse MotorServo Motor (24V)Servo Motor (230V)Linear MotorSCON Controller MiniStandardControllers IntegratedMiniStandardControllers IntegratedMini StandardThere are 2 I/O types of SCON controllers: standard specifications in which operation is performed via PIO or pulse train input, and network specifications for operation via connection to a field network. Incremental specifications and absolute specifications are available for both types. However, only incremental specified operations are available when operating via the pulse train input.PMEC /AMECPSEP /ASEPROBO NETERC2 PCON ACON SCONEL EL EL EL*Always use a noise filter for power supplies. (See P548) (Caution) Note that with the network specifications, neither control via pulse train nor PIO is available. ( *1)ForcemodeisonlysupportedbySCON-CA. (*2)Ifthecontrollerisoperatedinpulse-trainmode,onlyanincrementalencodercanbeused. (*3)Plannedindustrialethernetinterface.547 SCON