Page 103 - RoboCilindri, Controller, robocilindri, sinta,
P. 103
XSEL ControllerSliderModel[XSEL-KE/KET type]*To specify multiple options, enter them in alphabetical order. (Example: Brake + Home sensor -> BL)Type MiniStandardControllers IntegratedRod TypeMiniStandardControllers IntegratedTable/Arm /FlatTypeMiniStandardGripper/ Rotary TypeLinear Motor TypeCleanroom TypeSplash-ProofControllersPMEC /AMECPSEP /ASEPROBO NETERC2 PCON ACON SCON PSEL ASEL SSEL XSELPulse MotorServo Motor (24V)Servo Motor (230V)Linear Motor* Notation for 2 - 4 axes depends on the number of axes to be used.SeriesType Number of Axes Motor(Specs for axis 2 - 4)(Specs for 1st axis) Encoder OptionMotorEncoder Option I IncrementalA AbsoluteB BrakeC Creep sensorHA High Accel./Decel.L Home sensor/ LS-compatibleM Master axis spec S Slave axis spec200W servo motor 300W servo motor 400W servo motor 600W servo motor 750W servo motor(Slot 1) (Slot 2) (Slot 3) (Slot 4) Standard I/O Expansion I/O* E (Not used) is for expansion I/O only.N1 Input 32/ Output 16 (NPN)P1 Input 32/ Output 16 (PNP)DV DeviceNet board CC CC-Link board PR ProfiBus board ET Ethernet boardI/O Cable LengthPower/ VoltageKE Generalpurposetype KET Safety-compliant,general purpose typeB BrakeC Creep sensorHA High Accel./Decel.L Home sensor/ LS-compatibleM Master axis spec S Slave axis specI Incremental A Absolute1 Single-phase AC115V 2 Single-phase AC230V0 No cable2 2m (standard) 3 3m5 5m* If you selected DV, CC, PR, or ET for standard and expansion I/O select 0 (no cable) for the I/O cable length.20 20W servo motor 30D 30W servo1 Single-axis model 2 2-axis model3 3-axis model4 4-axis model200 200W servo motor 300 300W servo motor 400 400W servo motor 600 600W servo motor 750 750W servo motor20 20W servo motor 30D 30W servo200 300 400 600 750E N1 N2Input 32/ Output 16 (PNP) Input 16/ Output 32 (PNP) ExpansionSIO type ASB Expansion SIO type BSC Expansion SIO type Cmotor for RCS2 30R 30W servomotor for RCS2 30R 30W servoNot used P1 Input 32/ P2motor for RS60 60W servo motormotor for RS60 60W servo motorOutput 16 (NPN)Input 16/ SA100 100W servo motor 150 150W servo motor[XSEL-P/Q type]Series Type100 100W servo motor 150 150W servo motorOutput 32 (NPN)* Notation for 2 - 6 axes depends on the number of axes to be used.Number of Axes(Specs for 1st axis) Encoder OptionB Brake(Specs for axis 2 - 6)Dedicated (Slot 1) network slot Standard(Slot 2)(Slot 3)(Slot 4)I/O CablePower/ VoltageMotorMotorEncoder OptionI IncrementalA AbsoluteB BrakeC Creep sensor HA High Accel./Decel.Home sensor/ L LS-compatibleM Master axis spec S Slave axis spec200 200Wservomotor 200S For LSA-S10/N15Expansion I/OLengthI/OP Large-capacity type Safety-compliant,C Creep sensor HA High Accel./Decel.L Home sensor/ LS-compatibleM Master axis spec S Slave axis specI Incremental A Absolute12 12W servo motor 20 20W servo motor2 Single-phase AC230V3 Three-phase AC230V2L Dedicated linear single-phase AC230V3L Dedicated linear 3-phase AC230V* Enter 2L or 3L when operating a linear motor actuator.Otherwise, enter 2 or 3.0 No cable2 2m (standard) 3 3m5 5m* If expansion I/O will not be used, enter E (not used) for slots 2 to 4. If you are using expansion I/O, enter the expansion I/O code in the desired slot.If an expansion I/O is specified, the controller chassis will come with the expansion I/O base. (See P592-593)If you will not be using the expansion I/O initially but will be adding it later, specify the chassis with I/O expansion board, but specify S for slots 2 to 4.XSEL-P-2-100A-100A-N1-N1EE-2-3 XSEL-P-2-100A-100A-N1-SSS-2-3Q large-capacity type 1 Single-axis model4 4-axis model 5 5-axis model 6 6-axis model200 200W servo motor 200S For LSA-S10/N15 300 300W servo motor 20S For LSA-N19 400 400W servo motor 600 600W servo motor 750 750W servo motorBlank Not usedDV DeviceNet board CC CC-Link board PR ProfiBus board ET Ethernet boardE Not usedN1 Input 32/ Output 16 (NPN)N2 Input 16/ Output 32 (NPN)P1 Input 32/ Output 16 (PNP)P2 Input 16/ Output 32 (PNP)With expansion S I/O base2 2-axis model3 3-axis model12 12W servo motor 20 20W servo motor30W servo30D motor for RCS230R 30W servo motor for RS60 60W servo motor 100 100W servo motor 150 150W servo motor30W servo30D motor for RCS2 30030R 30W servo 20S motor for RS60 60W servo motor 400 100 100W servo motor 600 150 150W servo motor 750300W servo motorFor LSA-N19400W servo motor600W servo motor750W servo motorFor LSA-W21H 1000 (high-thrust type)e.g. Expansion I/O on slot 2, remaining slots unused Expansion I/O base attached, but not the expansion I/ONote:For axis 5 and 6 of XSEL-P/Q type, LSA series, and the RCS2-RA7 / SRA7 series actuators are unavailable.XSEL 588