Page 19 - RoboCilindri, Controller, robocilindri, sinta,
P. 19
PSEP / ASEP ControllerMiniPositioning Motion (Double Solenoid)Input 0OFFInput 1ONInput 2Input 3(End position)(30)Input SignalsInput SignalsWhen Input 1 is turned ON and Input 0 is turned OFF, the slider/rod moves to the end position (30mm coordinate) at a speed of 100mm/s.When Input 0 is turned ON and Input 1 is turned OFF, the slider/rod returns to the home position (0mm coordinate) at a speed of 50mm/s.End Position DataPosition30Speed100Pushing force−Width−(Home position)(0)Input 0ONInput 1OFFInput 2Input 3Home Position DataPosition0Speed50Pushing forceWidthPush motion (single solenoid)(End position)(20) (30)Push motion (double solenoid)(End position)(20) (30)Input SignalsInput 0ONInput 1Input 2Input 3When Input 0 is turned ON, the rod moves to the 20mm position at 100mm/s, and then starts pushing from the 20mm position to the30mm position at slow speed.End Position DataPosition30Speed100Pushing force50Width10* The pushing motion is performed only if there is a numerical value for the pushing force in the controller's position data. (If there is no numerical value for the pushing force, a positioning motion will be performed instead.)Input SignalsWhen Input 1 is turned ON and Input 0 is turned OFF, the rod moves to the 20mm position at 100mm/s, and then starts pushing from the 20mm positionto the 30mm position at slow speed.* The pushing motion is performed only if there is a numerical value for the pushing force in the controller's position data. (If there is no numerical value for the pushing force, a positioning motion will be performed instead.)Input 0OFFInput 1ONInput 2Input 3End Position DataPosition30Speed100Pushing force50Width10StandardControllers IntegratedMiniStandardControllers IntegratedMini StandardPMEC /AMECPSEP /ASEPROBO NETERC2 PCON ACON SCON PSEL ASEL SSEL XSELPSEP / ASEP 492Slider TypeRod TypeTable/Arm /Flat TypeGripper/ Rotary TypeLinear Motor TypeCleanroom TypeSplash-ProofControllersPulse MotorServo Motor (24V)Servo Motor (230V)Linear Motor