Page 35 - RoboCilindri, Controller, robocilindri, sinta,
P. 35
SIO Type SEERC2 ControllerMiStandardControllers IntegratedMiStandardControllers IntegratedMi Standarde-CON connectorconnected to a junctionNetwork connection cable <CB-ERC2-CTL001>Orange (Blue) Blue (Yellow) Brown (Red) Green (Black)Red (Purple) Gray (Gray)(Note)Yellow (Green) Yellow (Orange)FG1 SGA 2 SGB3 5V4 GND5 24V6 BKRERC2 SIO TypeSerial CommunicationControl power supplyInput Voltage (2A or more)24V 0V FGForced brake release switchEMG signalMCNormally: OFF. When released: ON (for brake specification)* The wire color in "( )" is for robot cable.(Note) To forcibly release the brake, turn the switch to ON between BKR and 24V.7 MPI 8 GNDMotor drive power supplyGround wireRod TypeniniTable/Arm /FlatTypeniPMEC /AMECPSEP /ASEPROBO NETERC2 PCON ACON SCON PSEL ASEL SSEL XSELDetailed Connection Diagram Gateway UnitPORT IN PORT N SDA SDB GND FG112233SGA SGBGND141411SGA SGBGND2Blue22Blue233334444To power I/O cableShielded cable (2 pairs) Recommended: Taiyo Cabletec HK-SB/20276×L2P×AWG22Network connection cable CB-ERC2-CTL001(0.1m)OrangeGreen4-way junction (Made by AMP: 5-1473574-4)e-CON connector (Made by AMP: 4-1473562-4) Housing color: GreenOrangeGreene-CON connector (Made by AMP: 3-1473562-4) Housing color: GreenERC2 520Slider TypeGripper/ Rotary TypeLinear Motor TypeCleanroom TypeSplash-ProofControllersPulse MotorServo Motor (24V)Servo Motor (230V)Linear Motor