Page 39 - RoboCilindri, Controller, robocilindri, sinta,
P. 39
Cables & Spare PartsPower & I/O Cable, Power & I/O Robot Cable For PIOModel CB-ERC-PWBIO□□□/CB-ERC-PWBIO□□□-RB *Enterthecablelength(L)into□□□.Compatibletoamaximumof10meters. Ex.:080=8mType MiniStandardControllers IntegratedRod TypeMiniStandardControllers IntegratedTable/Arm /FlatTypeMiniStandardGripper/ Rotary TypeLinear Motor TypeCleanroom TypeSplash-ProofControllersPMEC /AMECPSEP /ASEPROBO NETERC2 PCON ACON SCON PSEL ASEL SSEL XSELPulse MotorServo Motor (24V)Servo Motor (230V)Linear MotorCN2Manufacturer: JSTHousing: PAP-04V-S×1 Contact: SPHD-001T-P0.5×4WireAWG26Mechanical sideColorOrange Blue Brown GreenSignalSignal No.SGA 1 SGB 2 5V 3 GND 4Twisted pair cableNo. Signal Name1 SGA2 SGB3 5V4 GND5 Controlpower 6 Brake7 MPI 8 GND 9 ShieldWire color StandardCable RobotCableNo connector Manufacturer: JST Model: V0.5-3Network sideMin. bend radius r = 50 mm or larger (when movable type is used) * Only the robot cable is to be used in a cable track.Ground wirePLC side* Round terminal process at end (JST VO.5-3)(Unit / mm)Mechanical sideMin. bend radius r = 50 mm or larger (when movable type is used) * Only the robot cable is to be used in a cable track.SignalWire colorPower & I/O Cable, Power-I/O Robot Cable (Connectors on Both Ends)ModelCB-ERC-PWBIO□□□-H6/CB-ERC-PWBIO□□□-RB-H6 *Enterthecablelength(L)into□□□.Compatibletoamaximumof10meters. Ex.:080=8mReceptacle housing: 1-1318118-9 (AMP) Receptacle contact: 1318108-1(AMP)PIO terminal block sideMin. bend radius r = 50 mm or larger (when movable type is used) * Only the robot cable is to be used in a cable track.Power & I/O Cable, Power & I/O Robot Cable For SIO Type(Unit / mm)Mechanical sideModel CB-ERC2-PWBIO□□□/CB-ERC2-PWBIO□□□-RB * Enter the cable length (L) into □□□ . Compatible to a maximum of 10 meters. Ex.:080=8mNetwork Connection CableModel CB-ERC2-CTL001Wire: UL1007 #22AWG1 2 3 4100mmCommunication Cable to Connect to PCModel CB-ERC2-SIO0202mCN2Japan Chain Terminal (JCT) Modular plug: NTC-66RWireColorNo.No. Signal Color1 SGA OrangeCN2Manufacturer: AMPe-CON connector plugs - 4 types (green) Model: 4-1473562-4CN1JSTHousing: PALR-04VF×1 Contact: SPAL-001T-P0.5×4LBlue Yellow Red Black Purple Gray Green Orange ShieldWireWireAWG261 2 3 4Orange BlueSGA1 SGB 2 AWG22 Green GND 3 NC 4CN2CN15V 1 SGA2 AWG26 GND 3 SGB4 GND 5 5V 6CN1JSTHousing: PALR-04VF×1 Contact: SPAL-001T-P0.5×4Wire SignalNo.1 2 3 4No. Signal1 SGA 2 SGB 3 5V 4 GNDColorOrange (Red 1) Orange (Black1)SignalStandard CableOrange (Red 1) Orange (Black1) Light Blue (Red 1) Light Blue (Black 1) White (Red 1) White (Black 1) Yellow (Red 1) Yellow (Black 1) Pink (Red 1)Pink (Black 1)Orange (Red 2)Orange (Black2)Light Blue (Red 2) LightBlue(Black2) Gray(Black2) White (Red 2)White (Black 2) Yellow (Red 2) Yellow (Black 2) Pink (Red 2) Pink (Black 2)Twisted pair cableGround wireShielded wireSignalSignalTwisted pair cable Ground wireShielded wireERC2 ControllerSlider2 SGB3 5V4 GND GreenOrange Blue Brown Green Red Gray Yellow Black ShieldBlue— AWG22ERC2 524RobotCableGray (Red 1) Gray (Black 1)(ø8)(ø9)(ø9)Gray (Red 2)