Page 169 - RoboCilindri, rcp2/rcp3, robocilindri, sinta,
P. 169
DimensionsCAD drawings can be downloaded from IAI website.RCP2W RoboCylinderSlider2/3D CAD32 diagonal138095 1004-M10 through405(81) ME** Please note that reversed home position is unavailable for the RA10C type for structural reasons.5For Special OrdersP. A- 9Actuator cable *5Type MiniStandardControllers IntegratedRod TypeMiniStandardControllers IntegratedTable/Arm /Flat TypeMini StandardGripper/ Rotary TypeLinear Motor TypeCleanroom TypeSplash-ProofControllersPMEC /AMECPSEP /ASEPROBO NETERC2 PCON ACON SCON PSEL ASEL SSEL XSELPulse MotorServo Motor (24V)Servo Motor (230V)Linear MotorM22×1.5Dimensions Supplied Nut13.5 (width across flats)*327.5 37Cable joint connector*1117.5M22×1.537 (effective screwthread range)The joint can rotate 360°Intake/exhaust port*4 ST+1154-M10 depth 18(2m)(1)40(1)120 10026 diagonal80ø70h1037*1. A motor-encoder cable is connected here.Please note that motor cable is the same as the one in the RCP2 series, but that the encoder cable is a dedicated type.See page A-39 for details on cables.The cable joint connector is not splash-proof; therefore, please secure it in a place that is not prone to water spills.*2. When homing, the rod moves to the ME; therefore, please watch for any interference with the surrounding objects. ME: Mechanical endSE: Stroke endThe dimensions enclosed in "( )" are referencedimensions.*3. The direction of across-flats will vary depending on theproduct.*4. Intake/exhaust port is the air exhaust tube in the mainbody.*5. The actuator cable is not a robot cable (flex resistantcable); therefore, please don't use it for movable parts such as cable track.Compatible Controllers20ST+60The controller for the RCP2W-RA10C type is a dedicated controller.NamePositioner TypeNote:External ViewModelPCON-CF-86PI-NP-2-0DescriptionPositioningMax. Positioning Points512 pointsInput VoltageDC24VPower Supply Capacity6A max.See Page→ P525MESE5Effective ST HomeLPlease note that the encoder cable is a dedicated CF-type cable that is different from the PCON-C/CG/CY/PL/PO/SE controllers.possible for up to 512 pointsDimensions of the Brake Section52.5 45.5117.5* Adding a brake increases overall length by 45.5mm and its weight by 1.5kg.■ Dimensions/Weight by StrokeStrokeL Weight (kg)50 100 372 422 9 9.5150 200 472 522 10 10.5250 572 11300 622 11.5RCP2W-RA10C 450