Page 50 - RoboCilindri, Controller, robocilindri, sinta,
P. 50
Slider Type■ Models C / CG / CY / PL / PO / SEPosition ControllersFor RCA2/RCA/RCL series C/CG CY PL/PO SERod TypeTable/Arm /FlatTypeList of modelsTypeCCGCYPL/POSENamePositioner typeSafety category compatible typeSolenoid valve typePulse train control typeSerial Communication TypeExternal viewDescriptionPositioner capable of a maximum of 512 points of PositioningConforming to type C safety category specificationsCan be operated using the same control as the air cylinder typeFor pulse train controlFor serial communicationPosition points512 points512 points3 points(−)64 pointsGripper/ Rotary TypeLinear Motor TypeCleanroom TypeSplash-ProofControllersModelACON I 0SeriesType MotorThe absolute-type RCA actuators cannot be operated with the ACON controllerTo operate an absolute-type actuator, use the ASEL controller.EncoderOptionI/O TypeI/O Cable LengthPower VoltageSimple absolute unitBlankNot usedABUUsedIIncrementalHAHigh Accel./Decel.LAPower-savingNP NPNNP NPN (standard)PN PNP (standard) PN PNPDV DeviceNet DV DeviceNetconnection modelCC CC-LinkCN CompoNetPR cPoronnfieBcutsion modelCC-LinkPT ProfiNetCC connection modelML MLCNPR ECMEeCcHhaAtTrRoLOinLkINKconnection model CompoNetProfiBusconnection model EtherCATN No I/O (SE type only) EP EtherNet/IPSC Sercos III (*)N No I/O (SE type only)0DC24VHowever, you can operate a simple absolute-type actuator, in which the absolute unit ACON-ABU (see P545) is attached to an incremental actuator.0No cable (*)22m (standard)33m55mCPositioner TypeCGSafety-compliant typeCYSolenoid Valve TypeSESerial Communication TypePLPulse Train Control Type (differential line driver model)POPulse Train Control Type (open collector model)22W motor-compatible55W motor-compatible1010W motor-compatible20S20W motor-compatible (*)2020W motor-compatible3030W motor-compatible* When connecting an RCA-RA3 / RGS3 /RGD3 and RCA2-SA4 the motor type is 20S./TA5 ,* Planned industrial ethernet interface* If SE (serial communication type), andthe network model (I/O type DV, CC, PR,PN, ML, CN, EC, SC or EP) is selected, specify "0" (no cable) for the I/O cable.The network models (DV .. SC) support C/CG types only. When selecting type SE (serial communication),the standard I/O is "N" (no I/O).PSASSSXSPulse MotorServo Motor (24V)Servo Motor (230V)Linear MotorACON Controller MiniStandardControllers IntegratedMiniStandardControllers IntegratedMini StandardThis position controller enables movement of the RCA2/RCA/RCL series actuators. A line-up of 5 types to support various controlling methods.PMEC /AMECPSEP /ASEPROBO NETERC2 PCON ACON SCONEL EL EL EL535 ACON